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I have always been a fan of barn doors and dutch doors. I have been nudging the Hubs to get it done in the house. I grew up knowing how to use power tools and working on things, but now in this relationship we work through it together and I let him play with his toys. πŸ™‚ I even have a Board just for him and the projects I would like him to do. Well in the last week we have had some ups and downs when it comes to the LO and her safety and knew that we needed to devote a weekend to getting most of the house together so she could roam a bit more. I began to look for inspiration and found a few.

Thrift for a door and install it as a baby gate.  Love this!

Thrift for a door and install it as a baby gate. Love this!


barn-style sliding doors

barn-style sliding doors

And of course he delivered for me! This will be a picture heavy blog since the only work I contributed was the painting (plus I am not sure quite how he did things) and then hopefully an update with the fully painted doors. πŸ™‚ Any questions about what it going on, please ask!

After bring the finished door inside he realized that angles would need to be cut in the top wood piece in order for the door to open to the wall side. He cut and sanded the top until it was working freely. We have yet to paint this door.

For this door he had to cut out grooves for it to work properly in the door frame. This is the original door to this room and it never shut all the way until now. πŸ™‚

Now for the Barn Door…

After he was finished I was able to come in and prime the door. I primed the night it was finished after the LO went to bed and then was able to paint the next day before she woke up in the morning and then during her nap. I also went a little paint crazy and painted the top of the coffee table following this idea.

Chalkboard coffee table-top: perfect for keeping score on game night!


Chalkboard coffee table-top: perfect for keeping score on game night!